Wednesday, 18 August 2021

Microsoft Teams - Add Members from Active Directory Group to Team

Teams may often need to be populated with the members of an existing Active Directory security or distribution group. You can use the powershell commands below to easily do this.

Firstly, we need to get the members of our Active Directory group - and pipe the result to the get-aduser cmdlet so we can include the mail property as this is the identifying field we need to use to add users to Teams.

$grpmembers = Get-ADGroupMember -identity | Get-ADUser -properties mail

We will then enable connect to Microsoft Teams to enable the cmdlets, cycle through the list of members and add them to the team. Make sure you update the $teamgrpid to be the unique group ID for the team you wish to add the users to.


$teamgrpid = "123456"

foreach ($grpmember in $grpmembers)
    Add-TeamUser -groupid $teamgrpid -user $($grpmember.mail) -role user

You can change the role variable from user to member if you wish to add the users as members instead.

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