Thursday 6 May 2021

Monitoring Hyper-V to Azure Site Replication with Powershell

Here is a simple script that I use to monitor the replication state of Hyper-V servers that I have replicated to Azure using Site Replication.

I have this script run every morning as a scheduled task which sends me an email with a nicely formatted table showing the replication status of all of my Hyper-V VM's to Azure

I have 4 Hyper-V nodes in a cluster - I have specified the 4 node names individually and used a ForEach loop to cycle through them all the generate the report. You can remove the loop if you're only using this for a single server/host.

(You will need to have the Hyper-V powershell module/cmdlets installed for this to work)

import-module Hyper-V -RequiredVersion 1.1
$repstate = @()
$date = get-date -f "dd-MM-yyyy"
$clusternodes = "node1", "node2", "node3", "node4"

foreach ($node in $clusternodes)
    $repstate += get-vmreplication -computername $node | select Name, State, Health, Mode, FrequencySec, PrimaryServer, ReplicaServer, PrimaryServerName, LastReplicationTime

You can then export the values from the $repstate variable to a CSV file and attach it, or as I have done, convert it to HTML and set it to the body of an email message

$mailmessage.Body = $repstate | ConvertTo-HTML -fragment

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